Custom Entry Renderer for Task Manager

 Welcome to my blog.

 Today we are going to learn how to create custom entry control.

Custom Renderer xamarin form

Custum Entry.cs

Add this class in main project.

xamarin form
  public class CustomEntry : Entry
        public static readonly BindableProperty BorderColorProperty =
            typeof(Color), typeof(CustomEntry), Color.Gray);
        // Gets or sets BorderColor value  
        public Color BorderColor
            get => (Color)GetValue(BorderColorProperty);
            set => SetValue(BorderColorProperty, value);

        public static readonly BindableProperty BorderWidthProperty =
        BindableProperty.Create(nameof(BorderWidth), typeof(int),
            typeof(CustomEntry), Device.OnPlatform<int>(1, 2, 2));
        // Gets or sets BorderWidth value  
        public int BorderWidth
            get => (int)GetValue(BorderWidthProperty);
            set => SetValue(BorderWidthProperty, value);
        public static readonly BindableProperty CornerRadiusProperty =
            typeof(double), typeof(CustomEntry), Device.OnPlatform<double>(6, 7, 7));
        // Gets or sets CornerRadius value  
        public double CornerRadius
            get => (double)GetValue(CornerRadiusProperty);
            set => SetValue(CornerRadiusProperty, value);
        public static readonly BindableProperty IsCurvedCornersEnabledProperty =
            typeof(bool), typeof(CustomEntry), true);
        // Gets or sets IsCurvedCornersEnabled value  
        public bool IsCurvedCornersEnabled
            get => (bool)GetValue(IsCurvedCornersEnabledProperty);
            set => SetValue(IsCurvedCornersEnabledProperty, value);


Add this class in android project.

android xamarin form
 [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomEntry), typeof(CustomEntryRenderer))]
namespace TaskManagerUIDesign.Droid
    public class CustomEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var view = (CustomEntry)Element;
                if (view.IsCurvedCornersEnabled)
                    // creating gradient drawable for the curved background  
                    var _gradientBackground = new GradientDrawable();

                    // Thickness of the stroke line  
                    _gradientBackground.SetStroke(view.BorderWidth, view.BorderColor.ToAndroid());

                    // Radius for the curves  
                        DpToPixels(this.Context, Convert.ToSingle(view.CornerRadius)));

                    // set the background of the   
                // Set padding for the internal text from border  
                    (int)DpToPixels(this.Context, Convert.ToSingle(12)), Control.PaddingTop,
                    (int)DpToPixels(this.Context, Convert.ToSingle(12)), Control.PaddingBottom);
        public static float DpToPixels(Context context, float valueInDp)
            DisplayMetrics metrics = context.Resources.DisplayMetrics;
            return TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, valueInDp, metrics);


Add this class in IOS project

Custom renderer for IOS project in xamarin form
 [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomEntry), typeof(CustomEntryRenderer))]
namespace TaskManagerUIDesign.iOS
    public class CustomEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var view = (CustomEntry)Element;

                Control.LeftView = new UIView(new CGRect(0f, 0f, 9f, 20f));
                Control.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;

                Control.KeyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearance.Dark;
                Control.ReturnKeyType = UIReturnKeyType.Done;
                // Radius for the curves  
                Control.Layer.CornerRadius = Convert.ToSingle(view.CornerRadius);
                // Thickness of the Border Color  
                Control.Layer.BorderColor = view.BorderColor.ToCGColor();
                // Thickness of the Border Width  
                Control.Layer.BorderWidth = view.BorderWidth;
                Control.ClipsToBounds = true;

How to use

  <custom:CustomEntry CornerRadius="20" Margin="0" BorderColor="#0C1F4B" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start" FontSize="17"
                                HeightRequest="40"  BackgroundColor="White" PlaceholderColor="Gray" TextColor="#0C1F4B"/>


Today you have learn how to create custom entry. May this is helpfull to you. Please send me your feedback and let me know what UI do you like.


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