Migrating from Xamarin to .NET MAUI: ScrollView Considerations

Migration xamarin to .net maui

Migrating from Xamarin to .NET MAUI: ScrollView Considerations

When migrating your Xamarin application to .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI), developers often encounter subtle differences in how certain controls behave. One such difference lies in the implementation of the ScrollView control. In this blog post, we'll explore a crucial aspect of using ScrollView in .NET MAUI, focusing on the importance of setting the correct VerticalOptions for proper functionality.

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The ScrollView Challenge

In Xamarin.Forms, ScrollView typically worked as expected without much additional configuration. However, when migrating to .NET MAUI, you might notice that your ScrollView isn't functioning correctly. The content might appear cut off, or scrolling might not work at all. This is often due to a simple but critical property setting: VerticalOptions.

The Solution: VerticalOptions.Fill and Expand

To ensure your ScrollView works correctly in .NET MAUI, you need to set its VerticalOptions property to VerticalOptions.Fill and VerticalOptions.Expand. Let's break this down with some code examples.

Xamarin.Forms (Old) Approach

In Xamarin.Forms, your ScrollView might have looked something like this:

<ScrollView> <StackLayout> <!-- Your content here --> </StackLayout> </ScrollView>

This would typically work without issues in Xamarin.Forms.

.NET MAUI (New) Approach

In .NET MAUI, you need to explicitly set the VerticalOptions:

        <ScrollView VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
                <!-- Your content here -->

Why This Matters

Setting VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" tells the ScrollView to:

  1. Fill: Occupy all available vertical space within its parent container.
  2. Expand: Grow to fill any additional space if available.

This combination ensures that the ScrollView has a defined size and can properly calculate its scrollable area.

Common Pitfalls

  1. Forgetting to Set VerticalOptions: If you don't set this property, your ScrollView might appear empty or not scroll at all.
  2. Using Only Fill or Only Expand: While Fill or Expand alone might work in some scenarios, using both (FillAndExpand) ensures the most consistent behavior across different layouts and screen sizes.
  3. Nested ScrollViews: Be cautious when nesting ScrollViews. Ensure that each ScrollView has the correct VerticalOptions set, and consider whether nesting is necessary or if it can be avoided through alternative layouts.

Code Example: A Practical Implementation

Let's look at a more comprehensive example of how you might use a ScrollView in a .NET MAUI application:

        <ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>

                <Label Text="My Scrollable Content" 

                <ScrollView Grid.Row="1" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
                    <StackLayout Spacing="20" Padding="15">
                        <Label Text="Item 1" FontSize="18"/>
                        <Label Text="Item 2" FontSize="18"/>
                        <Label Text="Item 3" FontSize="18"/>
                        <!-- Add more items as needed -->
                        <Button Text="Click Me" Clicked="OnButtonClicked"/>

In this example:

  • We use a Grid to structure our page.
  • The ScrollView is placed in the second row, which has a height of * (star), meaning it will take up all remaining space.
  • We set VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" on the ScrollView to ensure it behaves correctly.


When migrating from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI, pay close attention to how you implement ScrollView. The simple act of setting VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" can save you from frustrating layout issues and ensure your scrollable content works as expected.

Remember, while this change might seem small, it's these kinds of details that can make a big difference in the user experience of your .NET MAUI applications. Always test your layouts thoroughly, especially when migrating from Xamarin.Forms, to catch and address these platform-specific nuances.

Happy coding, and may your .NET MAUI migrations be smooth and successful!


  1. Hello and thank you for this hint. But, I do have a question. I am seeing notes that "FillAndExpand" is deprecated. So I am wondering about that.


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