
Snackbar and BottomSheet in xamarin form

Snackbar and bottomsheet in xamarin form Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad!  Today we are going to learn about snackbar and bottomsheet. Code is explain in this video First install Snackbar and bottomsheet nugget in all the project of the solution. Snackbar nugget : Xamarin.CommunityToolkit bottomsheet nugget: Plugin.BottomSheet Below code is for snackbar: For snackbar write below code any event for eg: (on button click, listview itemselected, etc) var actions = new SnackBarActionOptions { Action = () => DisplayAlert("Snackbar Ex!", "Yes button clicked", "OK"), Text = "Yes" }; var options = new SnackBarOptions { MessageOptions = new MessageOptions { Foreground = Color.White, Message = "Click yes button.&quo

Splash screen Like Swiggy App

  Splash screen like swiggy app Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Create splashscreen Code explain in this video LandingPage.xaml <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="SwiggyAppDesign.Views.LandingPage" BackgroundColor="white"> <ContentPage.Content> <Grid RowDefinitions="*" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" Padding="20"> <Grid x:Name="grid" Grid.Row="0" RowSpacing="20" RowDefinitions="Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"> <Image Grid.Row="0" x:Name="imgLocation" Source="https://encrypted-t

How do I create a UI dashboard For School App? Xamarin Forms makes it easy to create an app that can target Android, iOS, and Windows.

How do I create a UI dashboard? Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! There are also available for another design for School APP. Links are as follow: Fontawesome:  Please watch this video  to understand code. First we will create Template. ImageButton.xaml <ContentView xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="SchoolUIDesigns.Control.ImageButton"> <Conten

How to send Firebase Push Notification through API

  Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! In this blog  we learn how to send push notification. Now we will see how to send Notification using API. Create Server Key in Console firebase Call following API to send push notification URL: Method: POST Headers: Authorization: key=server key (you can get it from firebase console) Content-Type: application/json Body { "to" : "FCM Token goes here", "notification" : { "body" : "New Lesson Added 1", "title": "Lokesh" } } Hope you understand this, Please share your feedback and enjoy coding.

Razor Pay using xamarin form (only for Android)

  Razor Pay using xamarin form Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Code is Explain in this video To integrate razor pay in Xamarin, follow below steps: Create account in Razorpay. Create key in Razorpay, later will use for implementing Razorpay gateway in Xamarin form. Create Account in Razorpay. Create account in Razorpay Create account in Razorpay . Create Key in Razorpay. Go to setting in left menu and generate key Generate key in razor pay Generate key in razor pay Now we code in Xamarin to implement Razorpay. Download RazorpayBindingforxamarin.dll  and reference to android project. Razorpay in xamarin form Mainactivity.cs Add Namespace using Com.Razorpay; and declare variable RazorResponseViewModel responseViewModel = new RazorResponseViewModel(); In OnCreate method after LoadApplication(new App()) line add below code: MessagingCenter.Subscribe<RazorResponseViewModel>(this, "PayNow", (payload) => {

Scrollable Calendar and Time Control in Xamarin Form

  Scrollable Calendar and Time Control in xamarin form Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! In this Blog , we have create control for calendar and time, in which control can scroll using button. In this control can scroll by your finger tips. Lets start with the code: First we will create template for calendar and time control CalendarTemplate.xaml <ContentView xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:SchoolUIDesigns.ViewModels" x:Class="SchoolUIDesigns.Control.CalendarTemplate"> <ContentView.Content> <Grid RowDefinitions="Auto,Auto" x:DataType="vm:CalendarViewModel" Padding="10,0"> <Label Text="{Binding WeekName}" Grid.Row="0" FontAttributes="Bold" /> <Label Text="{Binding Da

Push Notification using Firebase in xamarin form (Android and IOS)

Push Notification using Firebase in xamarin form (Android and IOS) Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Watch video to understand the code: Follow steps to create push notification in both project. Create Project in Create Project for push notification After Creating Project add app for both IOS and Android Project. Create app in project For Both IOS and Android project add Package name. Package name should be same as your package name in Xamarin Android and IOS Project. Click on Register App Download Google Service json. If you are in android app then download google-services.json else if you are in ios app then download "GoogleService-Info.plist" file Click Next then click Next then Click Continue to console button. We have created project in firebase console now we will continue coding in xamarin. In Android Project add Internet Permission. Right click on android project ->