
Showing posts with the label #app

School UI Design using Xamarin form

 In Previous blog we have seen some design for school app, so today I am continue with same app School UI Design using Xamarin form All Part of School UI Design: Today we are going to learn three page: Examination, Assignment, My Attendance Lets start with create classes for all three pages. Install nugget "XamForms.Controls.Calendar" in all the project. ExaminationViewModel.cs public class ExaminationViewModel { public string Name { get; set; } public string Date { get; set; } } public class ExaminationModel { public List<ExaminationViewModel> Get() { Lis

School UI Design using xamarin form

School UI Design using xamarin form All Part of School UI Design: First add  Fontawesome  in your project. First image is for Dashboard, Second is for TimeTable and last is for Syllabus. Rest of the page will publish in next blog. You can also replace the calendar view with another calendar control as listed below: Calendar Control 1 Calendar Contorl 2 Code is explain in this video First we will change NavigationDrawercolor. In App.xaml add following code in Application.Resources Tag <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="FontAwesom

Form UI Design in xamarin form

  Form UI Design in xamarin form Below is the code. <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:control="clr-namespace:OnlineBankingUIDesigns.Controls" x:Class="OnlineBankingUIDesigns.Views.NewPayee" Title="New Payee"> <ContentPage.Content> <Grid HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand" Padding="20" RowSpacing="20" RowDefinitions="Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto,Auto"> <Label Grid.Row="0" Text="Name" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" TextColor="#202020"></Label> <Entry Grid.Row="1" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start" HeightRequest="50" /> <La

Splash Screen using xamarin form.

  Splash screen in xamarin form As you can see in above image that splash screen of famous app is very simple. They just keep background color and add icon in center. We will create simple splash screen. please watch video  to understand the code Let begin with android project. Follow the step as given below: 1. First add icon in your android project in Resource -> Drawable folder. Icon in android project 2. Create xml file with name "splash_background" in Resource -> Drawable folder 3. Copy below code in xml file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <layer-list xmlns:android=""> <item> <color android:color="#FFFFFF"/> </item> <item> <bitmap android:src="@drawable/splashscreen" android:tileMode="disabled" android:gravity="center"/> </item> </layer-list> android:src="@

Online course UI Deisgn 2 using xamarin form

 In previous blog  we have seen below UI Design for online course Online Course UI Design xamarin form I have create two more UI Designs for Online courses. I have also explain the code, Please watch it here. Below is UI Design: Online Course UI Design using xamarin form First three Page in above image is actually one page shown tabs design in each page. First we will create all classes then template then we will create pages. Classes are below. CourseViewModel.cs public class CourseViewModel { public string Name { get; set; } public string Rating { get; set; } public string LecturerName { get; set; } public string Price { get; set; } public string Icon { get; set; } public string Tag { get; set; } public Color IconColor { get; set; } public ImageSource ProfilePic { get; set; } } CourseModel.cs public class CourseModel { public List<CourseViewModel> GetList() {