
Showing posts with the label #TransitionEffect

Different Type of Transition Effect in Xamarin Form

  Transition Effect in xamarin form Animation Animation is a method in which figure is manipulated to appear as moving object. Today we will get to know following method: TranslateTo It will move object from one position to another FadeTo It will fade object ScaleTo It will expand the size of the object RotateTo It will rotate the object I have explain in short, for more information please read here FrameView.xaml <ContentView xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="PageEffectUIDesigns.Control.FrameView"> <ContentView.Content> <StackLayout Padding="0"> <Frame x:Name="frame" HasShadow="True" CornerRadius="20" HeightRequest="90" Padding="0"> <StackLayout x:Name="sl" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptio