
Showing posts with the label #course

Create PopUp in .Net MAUI

Popup in .net Maui Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Popups are an integral part of user interface design, allowing developers to convey information and interact with users in a more engaging manner. In .NET MAUI, there are three main types of popups available: DisplayAlert, DisplayPrompt, and Plugin.Maui.Popup. In this blog post, we will dive into each of these popup types, explore their functionalities, and provide code examples to demonstrate their usage. DisplayAlert: Simple and Informative Popups DisplayAlert is a built-in feature in .NET MAUI that provides a straightforward way to display alert popups to users. These popups typically present important messages, notifications, or warnings that require user acknowledgement. Here's an example of how to use DisplayAlert in your .NET MAUI application: DisplayAlert("Display Alert", "Welcome to DotNet Maui", "OK","Cancel",FlowDirection.RightToLeft); In the co...

Find out how to implement appshell in xamarin forms

Xamarin.Forms 4.0 introduced the amazing feature called Xamarins.Forms Shell. It has reduced complexity of creating mobile apps. Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! It is used for Navigation,URI base routing, integrated search handling. Before Appshell there was independent feature: MasterDetailPage TabbedPage NavigationPage but Appshell has combine this and make easy creating apps. > You can add xaml file in your project and named it as AppShell.xaml and Update it like below code: AppShell.Xaml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Shell xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="XamarinCourse.AppShell"> </Shell> AppShell.Xaml.cs public partial class AppShell : Shell { public AppShell() { InitializeComponent(); } } You can call this class...

Xamarin Tutorial Part -3 (How to add control)

Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad!  Let's learn how to add control in XAML and code In below code, contentpage is content " [ Xamarin.Forms.ContentProperty( "Content" ) ]".  This is a page which display single view. It means that it will hold only one control. The code will be as follow: <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="LoginUIDesigns.Views.Login.MyFirstPage"> <ContentPage.Content> <Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" TextColor="Black" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" /> </ContentPage.Content> </ContentPage> Let see how we can write this code in code behind file. public partial class MyFirstPage : ContentPage { ...

Xamarin Tutorial Part - 2 (Create your first project.)

How to create first xamarin form application?   Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Follow step to create xamarin aaplication. (I am using visual studio 2019) Explain in this video 1) Click on create a new project option 2) Select Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) then click on next button. 3) Give Project name for your application, then select location, then click on create button 4) Select Template, then click on create button. There are three templated: Flyout In this template, there will be hamburger menu, when you click on it, menu will open from left side Tabbed In this template, there will tab in bottom of the application. Blank It will be bank project After clicking on create button, your solution will be created with three project Main Project Xamarin.Android project Xamarin.IOS Project These three are the architecture of the xamarin. Difference between Emulator and Simulator? Emulator: Android virtual device Simulator: IOS virtual device Emulato...

Xamarin Tutorial Part 1

  Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Xamarin is company started in 2011 who build the software. It is a framework to develop the mobile application using single code. With single code, application build in three platform (Android, IOS, Windows). Most of the platforms are used is android and ios. Please go through this video It support three language c#, f#,, but most of the developer preferred c#. Xamairn use XAML (Extensible markup language) for visual appearence. Xaml help to design beautiful UI by providing the information like what control to place and where to locate and how to locate. The responsibility of xaml is to create to place the control with proper location. for every xaml, there is c# page. this c# page is a class which define behaviour of the page for example what to perform action when button is clicked, to provide data to UI page, etc. Architecture The architecture of the xamarin projects are Xamarin Main project Xamarin.Android X...

How to send Firebase Push Notification through API

  Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! In this blog  we learn how to send push notification. Now we will see how to send Notification using API. Create Server Key in Console firebase Call following API to send push notification URL: Method: POST Headers: Authorization: key=server key (you can get it from firebase console) Content-Type: application/json Body { "to" : "FCM Token goes here", "notification" : { "body" : "New Lesson Added 1", "title": "Lokesh" } } Hope you understand this, Please share your feedback and enjoy coding.

School UI Design using Xamarin form

 In Previous blog we have seen some design for school app, so today I am continue with same app School UI Design using Xamarin form Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! All Part of School UI Design: Today we are going to learn three page: Examination, Assignment, My Attendance Lets start with create classes for all three pages. Install nugget "XamForms.Controls.Calendar" in all the project. ExaminationViewModel.cs public class ExaminationViewModel { public string Name { get; set; } public string Date { get; set; } } public class ExaminationModel { public Li...

School UI Design using xamarin form

School UI Design using xamarin form All Part of School UI Design: First add  Fontawesome  in your project. First image is for Dashboard, Second is for TimeTable and last is for Syllabus. Rest of the page will publish in next blog. You can also replace the calendar view with another calendar control as listed below: Calendar Control 1 Calendar Contorl 2 Code is explain in this video First we will change NavigationDrawercolor. In App.xaml add following code in Application.Resources Tag <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="FontAwesom...