.NET MAUI vs Xamarin: The Future of Cross-Platform Development


.NET MAUI vs Xamarin: The Future of Cross-Platform Development

.NET MAUI vs Xamarin: A Detailed Comparison

Both .NET MAUI and Xamarin are frameworks for building cross-platform mobile apps, but .NET MAUI is the clear successor. Here's a breakdown of their strengths and weaknesses:


  • Language and Code Sharing: Both use C# for development and allow significant code sharing between platforms.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Both target Android, iOS, and with some limitations, Windows.
  • XAML: Both use XAML for defining user interfaces.
  • MVVM Support: Both support the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern for building applications.

Strengths of .NET MAUI:

  • Modern Architecture: Built from the ground up for performance and extensibility.
  • Single Project Experience: Develops apps using a single project structure with the .NET CLI, streamlining development.
  • Improved UI Controls: Controls are rebuilt for better performance and customization.
  • Native Desktop Support: Supports building desktop applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux in addition to mobile.
  • Blazor Integration: Offers a BlazorWebView control for integrating Blazor web components into mobile and desktop apps.
  • Hot Reload: Full support for hot reload, allowing for faster development cycles.

Weaknesses of .NET MAUI:

  • Newer Framework: While rapidly growing, it has a shorter track record compared to Xamarin.
  • Limited Community Resources: Compared to Xamarin, the .NET MAUI community and resources are still developing.

Strengths of Xamarin:

  • Mature Framework: Longer track record with a large and established developer community.
  • Extensive Resources: More tutorials, libraries, and third-party support available.
  • Platform-Specific Access: Offers more granular access to native platform functionalities if needed.

Weaknesses of Xamarin:

  • Limited Desktop Support: Primarily focused on mobile development, with desktop support requiring additional tools like Electron.
  • Multiple Project Structure: Requires separate projects for each platform, which can be complex for large applications.
  • Partial Hot Reload: Hot reload functionality is not as complete as in .NET MAUI.
  • Future-Proofing: Microsoft is actively developing .NET MAUI, and Xamarin is on a slower update path.

Choosing Between .NET MAUI and Xamarin:

  • New Projects: For new projects, .NET MAUI is the recommended choice due to its modern architecture, unified development experience, and desktop support.
  • Existing Xamarin Projects: If you have an existing Xamarin project, continuing with Xamarin might be suitable in the short term. However, consider migrating to .NET MAUI for long-term maintainability and future updates.
  • Need for Native Access: If your project requires deep access to native functionalities, Xamarin might be a better option due to its granular platform control.

Overall, .NET MAUI is the future of cross-platform development with .NET. It offers a streamlined and performant experience, especially for projects targeting both mobile and desktop platforms. Xamarin, while still a viable option for existing projects, is not actively being developed by Microsoft.


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