
Showing posts with the label #beginners

What is .Net MAUI?

  watch video to understand. Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Let's learn have some basic knowledge about .NET MAUI. Today we look for following: What is .Net MAUI? Difference between Xamarin and .Net MAUI Why Xamarin Obsolete? How to install .Net MAUI? What is .Net MAUI? .Net Maui is a evolution of xamarin forms with better performance and extensibility .Net MAUI is a cross platform framework where you are allow to create mobile apps (IOS,android,window) and also window app and MacOS with single codebase with c# and xaml. It will share UI layout, Code, Test, Buisiness logic. .Net MAUI support Hot reload which allow you to modify source code while app is running. Difference between Xamarin and .Net MAUI? You will notice that there will many similarity in xamarin and .net MAUI like controls,layout,shell,guesture,template,cross platform api. .Net maui is faster than xamarin  .Net maui allow you to develop andoid,ios,macos and win...

How to send Firebase Push Notification through API

  Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! In this blog  we learn how to send push notification. Now we will see how to send Notification using API. Create Server Key in Console firebase Call following API to send push notification URL: Method: POST Headers: Authorization: key=server key (you can get it from firebase console) Content-Type: application/json Body { "to" : "FCM Token goes here", "notification" : { "body" : "New Lesson Added 1", "title": "Lokesh" } } Hope you understand this, Please share your feedback and enjoy coding.

Tips and Tricks in Xamarin Forms

 Hi Developer, I hope all you are fine. Lets start with tips and tricks for xamarin form which will be useful for you. For better understand please watch video . RefreshView The Refreshview  is a container control that provides pull to refresh functionality for scrollable content.  This control will work if you have use scrollview. sometime we use only listview or collectionview which does not required scrollview, if we use scrollview the it will show space at the bottom of the simply write below code: <RefreshView x:Name="refreshView" Refreshing="refreshView_Refreshing"> <ScrollView x:Name="MainScroll"> <ContentView HeightRequest="{Binding Source={x:Reference MainScroll},Path=Height}"> <!---- Your UI Design--> </ContentView> </ScrollView> </RefreshView> Activity Indicator Refreshview show loader on top of the pa...