Animation in .net MAUI
Animation will add more good looking UI of the mobile application. Let's see how to add animation using lottie file. Lottie is a mobile library for andriod and IOS that prases Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON. Lottie Animation in .NetMaui You can go through the lottie website. This lottie provide pently of cool animation and also you can create own animation. Please, support my blog by clicking on our sponsors ad! Let's get started First add install "SkiaSharp.Extended.UI.MAUI" in your project using nugget manager. This nugget is prerelease so please check "Include Prerelease". Lottie animation in .net Maui Next step is to Bootstrap Skiasharp plugin in MAUIProgram file and add UseSkiaSharp() to the app builder. Below is the code: public static class MauiProgram { public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp() { var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder(); builder ...