Swipe view in xamarin form
What is swipeview? Swipeview is the container that hide menu. This menu will be visible by swipe gestures. This view takes less space due to which application become more aesthetic. It has four properties LeftItems RightItems TopItems BottomItems Below is example: Let see the code: Left Swipe <SwipeView> <SwipeView.LeftItems> <SwipeItems> <SwipeItem Text="Favorite" BackgroundColor="#068d94" IconImageSource="favorite.png"/> <SwipeItem Text="Delete" BackgroundColor="#f9726b" IconImageSource="delete.png"/> </SwipeItems> </SwipeView.LeftItems> <Frame CornerRadius="20" BackgroundColor="#FC7651" HasShadow="True"> <Grid HeightRequest="20" BackgroundColor="#FC765...