
Showing posts with the label #Icon

School UI Design using xamarin form

School UI Design using xamarin form All Part of School UI Design: First add  Fontawesome  in your project. First image is for Dashboard, Second is for TimeTable and last is for Syllabus. Rest of the page will publish in next blog. You can also replace the calendar view with another calendar control as listed below: Calendar Control 1 Calendar Contorl 2 Code is explain in this video First we will change NavigationDrawercolor. In App.xaml add following code in Application.Resources Tag <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="FontAwesom...

Create Font Awesome icon in xamarin form

  Font Awesome  is the Internet's icon library and toolkit, used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators. Follow step to create font awesome icon in xamarin form. first create class name "FontAwesome" FontAwesome.cs public static class Solid { public static string Ad { get; set; } = "\uf641"; public static string Address_Book { get; set; } = "\uf2b9"; public static string Address_Card { get; set; } = "\uf2bb"; public static string Adjust { get; set; } = "\uf042"; public static string Air_Freshener { get; set; } = "\uf5d0"; public static string Align_Center { get; set; } = "\uf037"; public static string Align_Justify { get; set; } = "\uf039"; public static string Align_Left { get; set; } = "\uf036"; public static string Align_Right { get; set; } = "\uf038"; public static string A...